Friday, 12 February 2010

The Butterfly Effect

I watched the intro to this film today to give me ideas on how to start the film by showing the ending first. At first it shows a quote from chaos theory about how a butterfly can flap its wings and has the possibility to cause a typhoon half way around the world. The writing is in a white serif font on a black background, to make it look trustworthy. The quote fades out, then the opening scene fades in. music for the opening scene is composed using strings, The shot is in slow motion and the main character is shot through glass, the have blinds which distorts the man. As he bursts through the door it is synced with the music and it goes into realtime, the music kicks into a fast paced beat to go with it skipping back to real time.
While the main character is hiding under the desk and writing a note to himself, he sounds out of breath to show how he has been running from people. It zooms in on the page and as he is writing it out as quick as he can, he is mumbling the words to himself.

The colour correction for this intro is very dark to create the mood, lots of black grey and dark blues.

new line cinema
aol time warner company

Friday, 5 February 2010


I looked around my local area to find suitable spots that i could use to film, while on a walk i found a swamp like area with loads of dead trees that have all deformed all fallen over, this could be the perfect location to shoot a scene where someone is trying to run away from soneone else, although there is no chase in my current story i could change it around to include one because i think it could be a very good clip.
Another new location i found was some corn fieldsin my village, this location looks very creepy and with the right music and actors, it could be used to make a really good clip to include in my intro.
My favourite of the new locations i found is an abandoned house on and old dirt track, i'm not sure if it is safe to go inside or not but it could be used as a great shot if i have someone walking along the dirt track and seeing the house, this shot could work out very well if the right music is played in the background.
For an 'eerie' feel, i considered using a big amusement park in my area (wicksteed park) although i would need to get permission to use the park when its dark. The reason i want to film it in the dark and when its empty is because abandoned parks can give a very creepy film to the audience, especially if i have a single person walking through with a longshot.